Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm having a Yard Sale

Yes its true, your eyes are not fooling you... I am having a yard sale. I always said I would never have a yard sale, but low and behold I am. It is going to be next Friday and Saturday (if I am feeling that ambitious, if not the stuff is going to my mother-in-laws on Saturday).
If you want to come "shop" and or bring stuff up to sell, let me know :) You are more than welcome to add your things to my things. Just make sure you mark what is yours.
Key items we will be selling include:
Big Screen TV (needs some TLC)
Granite table top
Bathtub (which Charlie thinks will sell... I on the other hand am a bit skeptical)
2x4 lumber
Clothing (mine and Charlies)
Other misc things that I am sure I am forgetting about
Oh and Hooch.... he will be free to a good home :)

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