Friday, April 17, 2009

First Kiss

"Avie and Parker sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G
first comes love, then comes marriage,
then comes Avie pushing a baby carriage"
Ok so we are far from marriage, and even further from a baby carriage, but Avington Lynn did have her first kiss (other than mommy/daddy/grandparents/dogs) last night! Who is the lucky man you may ask......... Parker Loomis! It was so adorable. Beth and I went to Scott's baseball game in New Phila and after the game the babies wanted out of their strollers, so they were toddling around. It was like love at first sight, they went towards eachother as fast as their little baby legs would let them and went right in for a kiss. Then to top it off, at one point Parker turned away, and Avie was grabbing for his jacket and screaming at him to come back. When he did, she went for another kiss. It was so funny! I know I know, I say that now but in 10 years it isn't going to be nearly this adroable!
Have a great day everyone :)

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