Sunday, April 19, 2009

Family Updates

AVIE: Is very much into walking. Since she was about 9 1/2 months old, she started walking while holding onto our fingers with both hands. At about 10 1/2 months old she progressed to just holding onto one hand while walking. About a week ago, she started taking her first steps towards us. She can go like 3 or 4 on her own. Well this morning I had her standing on the floor holding on to our recliner. I walked to our front door (probably 4 steps away) and was checking on our dogs outside when I heard a "thump - thump - thump - CRASH!" When I turned to look, I found her face first on the carpet, much like a belly flop in the pool, screaming her head off. So now she is apparently getting brave and walking towards us when we aren't looking.
She also LOVES eating. She will eat her baby food until she notices we have "real people" food and then she wants ours. I am slowly trying to get her off of her bottles, so now for breakfast she has oatmeal and toast. She loves toast!
On the 22nd she will be 11 months old. Hard to believe in like 2 weeks I will be sending out invites to her FIRST birthday!

CHARLIE: Is busy like usual. He is almost done with his firefighters classes. Those consume his every Tuesday and Thursday night as well as his Sunday's. I will be happy when those are over, so we can have him back home. He has been steady with work and is getting pretty full for the summer. The Lord has blessed him with his business and we are so thankful. He is also busy remodeling our house in his spare time. We are getting ready to cut a hole in our floor for our stairway. He has done such a great job!

JACIE: I have been busy with writing IEP's at school. I am very ready for summer. I often say I love my job, but I love being home even more. I just finished reading Twilight... I am addicted! I hate to read, but this book is so good! I just finished it while Avie was napping, and I want to go to Walmart this evening and get New Moon, the sequal.

That's what is going on in our lives right now. Hope you all have a wonderful week!!!

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